The Long Game

A newsletter that will help you shift your focus from tiny, fleeting tactics to big-picture strategies and timeless principles.

The Art of Startup Success VI: Churn, Rebellion & The Fall of Empires

The Art of Startup Success VI: Churn, Rebellion & The Fall of Empires

The rise and fall of the East India Company reveals a timeless truth: no empire, however powerful, can survive without long-term customer loyalty. Today’s SaaS businesses face a simi...

Shaping Consumer Consciousness: A Framework for Good Marketing

Shaping Consumer Consciousness: A Framework for Good Marketing

To truly influence consumers, marketers must go beyond product features and tap into deeper layers of consciousness. By mastering sensory experience, emotional triggers, and cultural...

Lessons from a Con-Man: How to Craft Messaging People Want to Hear

Lessons from a Con-Man: How to Craft Messaging People Want to Hear

To captivate your audience, you must sell more than a product - you must sell a vision. By mastering strategies like leveraging social proof, scarcity, personalization, and aspiratio...

The Art of Startup Success V: Outsmarting Giants

The Art of Startup Success V: Outsmarting Giants

The Wright brothers and Slack faced the same challenge: overcoming giants like Langley and Microsoft. Both succeeded not through brute force, but by mastering trust and differentiati...

Nature vs. Nurture in Marketing II: Retention is Religion

Nature vs. Nurture in Marketing II: Retention is Religion

To transform your retention program, stop thinking of it as a metric to be optimized. Instead, treat it like a belief system. Just as religions build lasting loyalty through shared v...

MarketingNature vs. Nurture in Marketing I: A Guide to Prospecting Based on Nature

Nature vs. Nurture in Marketing I: A Guide to Prospecting Based on Nature

Success in marketing requires a deep understanding of human nature. By appealing to a customer’s innate traits - personality, intelligence, and temperament - and nurturing their lear...

MarketingThe Illusion of Choice: How to Control Decisions While Empowering Consumers

The Illusion of Choice: How to Control Decisions While Empowering Consumers

The art of influence lies in offering the illusion of choice. Consumers crave autonomy, but too many options lead to indecision. By curating choices, marketers can guide decisions wi...